
Sonntag, 29. März 2020


Do you want to lose weight - at home or in the studio? We show which exercises that work.

I eat vegetables instead of greasy snacks, omit sugar and alcohol, reduce carbohydrates  - and yet it does not really work out when I lose weight. The reason: lack of exercise, a mix of healthy eating and exercise is the be-all and end-all when losing weight because only if you burn more calories than you consume do you lose weight. We'll show you how to lose weight effectively with sports - in the gym and at home. We also show you the best YouTube workouts for your weight loss challenge. Ready? Let's go!

Losing weight at home: how often do I have to exercise?

The most important thing about losing weight sport is that you stay on the ball for the long term. Otherwise, the common yo-yo effect is preprogrammed. So just do not expect too much as a beginner. Even advanced users should choose a healthy level of training sessions that can be integrated well into their everyday life.

Weight loss for beginners: 4 tips

Do you have the good intentions to finally lose a few pounds and therefore want to start a sports program? We can help you:

1-In general, the main thing is that you move! So don't worry too much about the sport. After all, you should have fun.
2-Cardio training is ideal for beginners: those who are overweight or have joint problems start with swimming or cycling. For everyone else, jogging is a great option.
3-Start slowly: with 30 minutes on two to a maximum of three days a week. As soon as you can hold out the units loosely, step up.
4-Work with a training plan. It reminds you of your workout and helps you to integrate it regularly into everyday life. Such plans are provided by fitness icon Kayla Itsines, for example . There are also numerous other challenges that you can use to start your weight loss program

Lose weight sport in the gym

In the gym you have numerous opportunities to get active. The best way to lose weight:
1. Lose weight in the gym with cardio machines

2. Lose weight with strength training

First warm up, then lift weights - the combination of carido and strength training is ideal for losing weight. The advantage of "pumping": the more muscles you build, the greater your basal metabolism. Thanks to the so-called afterburn effect, you still burn calories hours after your workout. The reason: muscles need energy - an average of 110 calories per kilogram of muscle mass.

3. Group fitness to lose weight in the studio

Equipment training - whether cardio or strength - is not fun for you? No problem: gyms usually also offer courses in which you can lose pounds. Indoor cycling is number one in terms of energy consumption. This is followed by intensive aerobics courses, including stomach-legs-buttocks or fitness trends such as Pound Fitness and Strong by Zumba .

The advantage in the gym: You have many options for moving - use them and try out different offers that you enjoy. This is the only way to stay motivated. The main thing is that you get your weekly sports sessions.

Lose weight at home with sport

The advantages of a regular home workout are obvious: In contrast to the fitness studio, you save money, can train directly in the living room, so you don't have to get on your bike first, and you are completely flexible and undisturbed.
You have to try out yourself whether the training at home is something for you or not . If you prefer to train in company, let yourself be distracted by lint under the sofa or your neighbors and don't get motivated by yourself anyway, the fitness studio might be the better choice. For everyone else the rule is: put on your sports clothes, roll out the mat and go! 

1. Training with your own body weight

In the fitness studio we have a lot of equipment that we don't have at home. Doesn't matter: Here you can train with your own body weight. You will use even more muscles because you have no support. This makes your workout more effective, you build muscle faster and burn more calories .

2. Training with dumbbells and weights

If you enjoy training in your own four walls, you can 
consider buying your own small equipment such as dumbbells, rubber bands or kettle bells . This makes your home workout even more diverse and efficient. If you need instructions, fitness DVDs or YouTube tutorials will help you (more on that in a moment).
You can shop all the equipment you need for your training here: 

3. Fitness-DVDs

Training with fitness DVDs can be just as effective as a course in the studio . There is now a huge selection of workouts that you can use to turn your living room into a classroom.
I am a fan of stomach-legs-buttocks or fat burning workouts , for example by Jillian Michaels. The plus points: Each workout is available in different levels of difficulty , so that you as a beginner and advanced get your money's worth. The units have a very varied structure, so that they don't get boring even after you have looked at them and participated several times. And you sweat like hell. I have already seen first successes after a short while and can recommend the American DVD to everyone.

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