Lose weight with exercise: Nutrition before and after training - Real Before and After


Mittwoch, 1. April 2020

Lose weight with exercise: Nutrition before and after training

Lose weight with exercise: diet before exercise

For more effective fat burning during training, it is often advised to stop eating carbohydrates 2-4 hours before endurance training. It is best to go jogging before breakfast without a sip of juice or coffee. Nonsense!

Lose weight with exercise: diet before exercise

For more effective fat burning during training, it is often advised to stop eating carbohydrates 2-4 hours before endurance training. It is best to go jogging before breakfast without a sip of juice or coffee. Nonsense!

Training on an empty stomach is counterproductive!

It is true that the relative fat burning during training is higher (Horowitz et al. 1997), but it is also lower afterwards. That means the amount of fat burned stays the same over 24 hours. When training on an empty or hungry stomach, however, there is a danger that not only fat is lost, but also muscles (Singh 1998)! And this is absolutely counterproductive to long-term fat reduction.

Sugar makes training more effective
Another advantage of eating before training is that more performance can be achieved, which in turn leads to higher overall energy consumption and afterburn effects. Therefore, follow the recommendations from the article Pre-Workout Nutrition when dieting before training!

Lose weight with exercise: post-workout nutrition
Afterburn effect is not lost
When training with low intensity, the fat burn during the training is relatively high, but afterwards there is hardly any afterburn effect. Whereas when training with high intensity, the energy consumption after the training has increased significantly. This afterburn effect remains increased despite a subsequent food intake (source) and is only slightly reduced.

Sugar is not converted to fat

The carbohydrates ingested after training are exceptionally not converted to fat because they are used to replenish the energy stores in muscles and liver! The reason for this lies in the enormously increased absorption capacity of the muscles after training. The muscles are just craving sugar!

Eat promptly

The advantages of eating food as soon as possible after exercising are that the faster the stores are filled:

the greater the energy potential in the next training session! (Zawadzki et al. 1992).
the more protein can be used to build muscle! (Miller et al. 2003)
the faster the regeneration! (Williams et al. 2003)
The diet before and after training is almost the same for someone who wants to lose weight as for those who want to build muscle with strength training.

The only difference: If you train very intensively, but do not want to build muscle mass, you should do without the protein shake before training. The decisive factor for losing weight is the quality of the basic diet on days when no sport is practiced.

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