Hallo! Mein Name ist Victor McBride. Ich habe dieses Video erstellt, um meine 3-monatige Reise von Fat nach Fit zu zeigen. Das Video umfasst meinen ersten Tag, an dem ich bis zu meiner letzten Wiegesitzung angehoben wurde: 17,6% bis 9,1% Körperfett. Die Ergebnisse sind unglaublich !!! A Major Shout-out zu Triple Threat Performance, um dies zu ermöglichen! Dies gab mir eine neue Kraft und eine neue Perspektive im Leben. Wenn Sie sich auf etwas konzentrieren und Tag für Tag und täglich daran arbeiten, werden die Ergebnisse für sich sprechen
17.6 to 9.1% Body Fat TRANSFORMATION in 3 Months - All Natural - Victor McBride
Hello! My name is Victor McBride, I created this video to show my 3 Month Journey from Fat to Fit. The video encompasses my first day lifting to my last weigh-In session, 17.6% to 9.1% Body Fat. The Results Are AMAZING!!! A Major Shout-out to Triple Threat Performance for making this happen! This gave me a new strength and outlook in life, If you put your mind to something and consistently work at it day- in and and day-out the results will speak for themselves.
Nutrition, movement and development, which are the most basic requirements of a healthy life, have created today's human being through a life cycle of tens of thousands of years. Unfortunately, today's modern human being is trapped in a framework of malnutrition, constant consumption and little movement. Until some people broke this framework. People who eat naturally and as much as they need, move and consume little, continue to set an example for us. In this blog, we offer you the latest diet lists and fitness programs.
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