Why don't diets to lose weight work? - Real Before and After


Mittwoch, 8. März 2023

Why don't diets to lose weight work?

 The DNA of human beings, who had difficulty in finding food for thousands of years, has a 'scarcity' consciousness. The abundance of the last century does not match the codes of the brain that have existed for millions of years. This causes emotional and impulsive eating. Maybe you're not hungry, you don't even want to eat anything, but you still eat it. That's all emotional eating. The act of eating is divided into 2 types; The need for physical food and the need for emotional eating... Prof. from CerrahpaÅŸa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology. Dr. Written by Derya Uludüz.

Eating basically takes place in order to meet 2 different needs. One is the act of eating that comes from physical need and the other is the act of eating to meet emotional needs. In recent years, a new concept has developed against all diets, obesity surgeries and weight loss methods: Intuitive nutrition. The basic principle of intuitive eating is to eat according to physical needs. For example, you want to consume meat. Then consume. If you want to eat an orange, eat it. These may be due to your body's need for B12, iron or vitamin C. Because the human body is naturally equipped with mechanisms that tell which foods to consume and in what amount. But that doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want as much as you want. Physically, your blood sugar balance and hormones naturally affect your eating instincts. If you have hypoglycemia, you may be inclined to eat carbohydrates and you may feel sleepy and sluggish as your blood sugar rises and falls quickly after meals.

So if you have a weight problem, listen to yourself instead of obesity surgeries, weight loss drugs or various applications that will endanger your health. Are you eating enough with physical needs or are you engaging in emotional eating? Or do you really have a serious physical, hormonal imbalance? If you analyze these, you do not need to stress with diets that will make you unhappy and complicate your life. Already, studies say that 95 percent of dieters regain all the weight they lost within a year.

The DNA of human beings, who had difficulty in finding food for thousands of years, has a 'scarcity' consciousness. The abundance of the last century does not match the codes of the brain that have existed for millions of years. This causes emotional and impulsive eating.

Maybe you're not hungry, you don't even want to eat anything, but you still eat it. That's all emotional eating. The act of eating is divided into 2 types. The physical need to eat and the emotional need to eat.


If you eat according to your physical needs, you eat when you are hungry and leave when you are full. If you make it balanced by eating a little consciously, there is nothing better than you. Eating a blend of protein, grains, unprocessed carbohydrates and vegetables will keep you healthy.

If you are physically hungry more than normal, then it is necessary to look at whether there are hormonal reasons. It may be related to your blood sugar, thyroid hormone or vitamin D levels.


In my opinion, this is the biggest problem of our age with overeating. You don't want to eat anything, you are not hungry, but you eat. You eat when you are angry, you eat when you are unhappy, you eat when you are happy, you eat with an awareness of scarcity that you are not aware of… That is, you just eat, unaware of the many mechanisms that trigger this impulse. All diets and sports go to waste. This is very important to solve. Because if you do not solve this emotional eating, even if you have bariatric surgery, you can regain all the weight you lost.


So, what are the main reasons and solutions for gaining weight and constantly eating?

1. You eat emotionally

We talked about what emotional eating is, but if you think, 'How do I solve it?', the first step is to be aware of it. First of all, think and realize this every time you tend to eat without need. Then try to understand what that impulse is. For example, are you conscious of scarcity? This is very normal because for centuries, human beings, your ancestors, had a hard time finding food. The abundance that exists now has not yet settled into our codes, and we act like it impulsively. Cognitive behavioral therapies have been proven to be effective on emotional eating and have a successful place in the treatment of obesity. You can get therapy from a psychiatrist working with this therapy method. Also, every time you have a craving to eat, ask yourself if it's necessary. If this urge is very strong, give yourself the right to obey this urge 1-2 times a week. Because the stress that comes out while trying to resist will also make you hungry. If your stress is too intense and this triggers your urge to eat, try sports like yoga. It is important to control your stress because the hormone cortisol both causes you to store more fat and makes you feel hungry often. Since yoga is a sport that will allow you to throw your energy in a balanced way, it will also provide you with an impulsive balance.

2. You have diabetes, a thyroid hormone imbalance, or another medical condition

If you are constantly hungry, there may be a medical reason behind it. First of all, you need to make this clear. If you do not solve this medical problem, no diet will work anyway, and you will be unnecessarily straining yourself psychologically and physically. The most common of these causes may be diabetes. It occurs as a result of extremely high blood sugar levels and typically presents with other symptoms such as extreme thirst, weight loss and fatigue. Deceleration in thyroid hormones and weight increase appetite and cause weight gain. Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels can also increase your hunger. If you haven't eaten in a while, your blood sugar levels may drop, which can be worsened by a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar.

In addition, the need to overeat or hunger can occur as a result of several other conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and premenstrual syndrome.

3. You're not getting enough protein

Protein gradually raises blood sugar. For this reason, the hormone insulin, which suppresses blood sugar and makes us feel hungry again, gradually rises. As a result, you will be hungry at a later hour. If you constantly consume carbohydrates and keep protein more restricted, you will develop a desire to eat more often.

The main source of protein is red meat, but it is not the only source. During the day, be sure to consume meat, poultry, fish, as well as animal products such as cheese and eggs. You can also get it from legumes, oil seeds, nuts such as hazelnuts, almonds, and whole grain plant foods. However, since they contain less protein, their portions should be kept relatively large or varied.

4. You sleep poorly

Adequate sleep is a factor in appetite control, as it helps regulate the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin. Lack of sleep causes higher ghrelin levels, so you may feel hungry when you are sleep deprived. In addition, getting enough sleep also helps release leptin, a hormone that promotes feelings of fullness. To keep your hunger levels under control, you usually need at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

5. You eat too many processed carbohydrates

As refined carbohydrates are processed, they are stripped of their fiber, vitamins and minerals. All that's left is a processed sugar that quickly raises your blood sugar.

The most popular sources of refined carbohydrates are many grain-based foods such as bread and pasta made from white flour. Sodas, candy, and baked goods made with processed sugars are also considered refined carbohydrates. Since refined carbohydrates do not contain fiber, your body digests them very quickly. Your blood sugar rises quickly, and the insulin that wants to suppress it rises at the same speed and intensity. After half an hour you will fall asleep and become sluggish and then hungry.

Substitute healthy, unprocessed carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains for processed carbohydrates. These are foods that are still high in carbohydrates but rich in fiber, which helps keep hunger under control.

Eating basically takes place in order to meet 2 different needs.

6. Low-fat diet

Fats, and especially healthy fats, are an important key to keeping you full. This is partly due to the slow digestive tract transit time. So it takes longer to digest and stays in the stomach longer. Therefore, you can stay full for a long time. For these reasons, you can often feel hungry if your diet is low in fat.

Fats also protect the cell from external influences. That's why it's important, but you should choose healthy fats. For example, use olive oil containing omega-3 in your meals. These will also reduce your appetite. The richest dietary source of medium chain triglycerides is coconut oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel. You can also get omega-3s from plant foods like walnuts and flaxseeds. Other healthy, high-fat food sources include avocado, olive oil, eggs, and full-fat yogurt.

7. You drink less water

You need enough water to promote brain and heart health, maintain your energy, and keep your skin and digestive system healthy. Water has the potential to reduce appetite when consumed before meals. The feeling of thirst can be confused with the feeling of hunger. When you are hungry, first drink a glass or two of water. Eating plenty of water-rich foods, including fruits and vegetables, also contributes to your satiety.

8. You are on a low-fiber diet

I think we underestimate the importance of fibers. Although we are conscious about protein and processed carbohydrates, we do not have a good understanding of how much vegetables and fruits contribute to our nutrition and health. Fibrous foods also stay in the stomach for a long time and keep you full for a long time. In addition, high fiber intake triggers the release of appetite-reducing hormones. Oatmeal, flaxseed, sweet potatoes, oranges and brussels sprouts are excellent sources of fiber. To ensure you're getting enough fiber, eat a diet rich in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains.

9. You Are Not Eating Enough Solid Foods

Liquid and solid foods affect your appetite in different ways. Since smoothies and soups are digested quickly, they do not give you a feeling of fullness as much as solid food. Also, some studies show that liquid foods do not have a major effect on suppressing hunger-promoting hormones. To prevent frequent hunger, adding more solid, whole foods to your diet can help.

10. Drugs used

Several medications can increase your appetite as a side effect. The most common appetite suppressants are antipsychotics such as clozapine and olanzapine, as well as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, corticosteroids, and anti-seizure medications. Additionally, insulin and some diabetes medications are known to increase your hunger and appetite. Birth control pills also have appetizing properties, but this is not supported by strong scientific research. If you suspect that medications are the cause of your frequent hunger, do not think about stopping the medication. Talk to your doctor instead.

11. You eat too fast

Saturation signals don't reach our brains as fast as you think. Studies have shown us that fast eaters have a greater appetite and tend to overeat at meals compared to slow eaters. Also a higher risk of obesity or. Additionally, eating slowly and chewing thoroughly gives your body and brain more time to release anti-hunger hormones and transmit satiety signals. If you are hungry often, try to eat more slowly, increase the frequency of chewing.

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